fear or faith

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Java Joe Coffee Cafe...

Whatever you call it, this beverage is one of the most popular drinks in the world. First, I must thank God for creating the coffee bean! It is because of this bean that I find some of my delight. I once heard that you know that you are a serious java drinker when you have your life scheduled around coffee breaks. Wow! How something so small (the coffee bean)can have a big impact is amazing to me. But it sounds like me.

I started drinking this stuff my sophmore year in college. My sister bought me a 1 cup coffee maker and my "addiction" started. What used to be one cup a day has turned into several cups a day. I guess I am headed for the "one cup of decaf before bed" syndrome soon. (AKA - OCDBB syndrome) I think that one of the best days in modern times was when the "coffee house" became popular! I love those places. The environment is great! People conversing with people while drinking their favorite coffee beverage. I just doesn't get any better than that.

If you have been living in a cave, then you need to hear that MBU is builing a coffee house on campus. Can I say that my office will be moving from the Field building to The Perk. Yea baby! Lattes all day. I can see Starbucks stock going down already. It is good to see that many MBU Spartans are as passionate for coffee as I am. I can only say one thing: Viva la latte! And I will see you over at The Perk.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Baseball Fever

If I had to pick a favorite game to play and watch, it must be BASEBALL!! I guess it is because I love everything about it. From the player's point of view, I started playing baseball in first grade and did not quit until college. I love the feel of starring at the pitcher,guessing what pitch he will throw next, and then putting the ball ,with the "sweet" spot of the bat, into the right field gap (I am lefty). That kind of hit is almost as good as hitting a homer. And then when you get to "field" the ball and dive in the dirt in the infield, or in the outfield, and actually catch the ball is a great feeling of satisfaction too. A great day at the ballpark with the smell of bubblegum, seeds (you know what these are if you have played before), and grilled hotdogs is a good day!

And then from the spectator point of view, can almost be as exciting, especially in a big league park. A couple of weeks ago, my family and I went to Busch stadium and watched the Cards and the Padres play (the game that Pujols hit a bomb which landed in "Big Mac" land). Man, what a game! The first 4 or so innings was a bit boring. Not much happened except when the Bird mascot was shooting shirts to the upper deck with a huge sling shot. And then the game took a turn and excitement was in the air. The cards started hitting and then the blast by Pujols.

This was really a great game! But as my wife and I were sitting in the stands, during the "boring" part, we talked about how we were still having a great time. The smell of peanuts and hotdogs in the air (this does not include the big guy next to us who was downing beer like a fish.) Nonetheless, we watched the team, listened to the announcer, and saw people kiss each other on the "mega screen". And the seventh inning stretch came. Everyone in the stadium sang together "take me out to the ballgame" (except for the drunk guy next to us). But all in all, it was a great experience.

Let me encourage you to take some time away from your "usual" schedule and go to the ballgame. It may not be Busch stadium but it can be the local baseball team next to you. Wherever it may be, enjoy the Great American pastime while you can.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

No Visibility in Chicago

Have you ever been to The Windy City? If you have not, you probably have seen this famous city in many films. In fact, you probably have Chicago filmed in one of your movies in your personal DVD library. It has been in blockbuster such as Spiderman II and Batman Begins. Recently, my wife and I had the chance to go to Chicago with a group of wild and crazy students from Missouri Baptist University. Melissa and I decided to do all of the usual tourist stuff. We went to the Navy Pier, shopped the Miracle Mile, and got to experience a nose bleed by going to the top of the Sears Tower. (Just kidding on the nose bleed thing.)

The most disappointing event of the trip was our journey in the Sears Tower - the tallest building in the world if you are counting the 200ft. antennas on the top. Most of the day threatened with rain, so when we arrived at the tower it was mostly cloudy and damp. As usual first time tourist, we decided to pay for the over priced tickets and take our chances at seeing the city from space on a rainy day. We entered the orientation room where we watched a short-film on the history of this sky scraper. Afterwards, we then walked amongst the crowd to the elevators. We waited in a long and stuffy line to get into a large elevator prepared to take us up 103 floors. After we were packed like sardines, the operator pressed the button and we were off into the wild grey yonder.

As the doors opened we were asked to step out and enjoy the sites from the Sky Deck. Excitingly Melissa and I walked out and planted our noses on the glass and looked out only to see gray in every direction. The visibility was zero! What a disappointment! What a let down! I began to get angry at the Sear's Tower people for letting us buy the tickets. Didn't they know that a huge gray cloud was going to engulf the largest building in the world? I bet they were laughing under their breath as they were telling us to come on up and see the sights. But I controlled myself from any outburst considering my Christ-like witness and the fragile times we live in concerning public attractions with high security. Reluctantly, we stayed for 5 minutes and proceeded back down.

As we exited the building, I thought about the experience. I could not help but think about what Jesus said in Matthew 6. In versus 19 and 20 he says, Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them. In other words, the things of this world only provide temporary satisfaction at best. We were excited to see this great view and we were let down. Similarly, the world promises us exciting and satisfying things only to let us down in the end.

Have you had a similar experience? Maybe it was a new job and under delivered what you expected. Or it may have been a new boyfriend/girlfriend that did not seem to be all they should have been.Whatever the case may be, have no worries and take joy in the fact that this world can never give us what we really desire. I am glad my hope and truest satisfaction is found in Christ. These are the things that matter for eternity!As we continued to walk away, I became thankful for the disappointment. I was reminded about the thing that really matters. And it is not from this world.



When you hear the phrase: "God's Final judgment", what do you think of? Let me guess. Maybe it is an old man with a long white beard holding a gavel telling people to go to Heaven or Hell at the end of time. Or maybe it is a big audible voice coming from the heavens telling people what they have done wrong at the end of the world. Whatever your mental picture is, usually it is understood to be a big negative event.(And yes, there will be negative elements about it) But allow me to encourage you to view God's judgment in a positive light.

Yes you better believe that God's Final Judgment will actually happen. There will be a place and time for the Creator of the universe to speak His judgment against humanity. To the Christ-followers, it will be a sorrowful time of sins being dealt with as well as a time of joy that they are a child of God along with the good things they have done. To the one's that are not Christ-followers it will be a time of regret and eternal judgment in Hell. It seems almost impossible to think about this in a positive light considering what was just said.

But the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians:10 says that the Christ-followers will be judged not only for the sins but also the good deeds. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad". Paul give credence to both the good and the bad. I will admit that it does us good to talk about the bad concerning the Final Judgment. This negative reinforcement motivates me to do good! But it seems that it is the negative things that I hear all the time about this.

What about some positive reinforcement to motivate me to do something positive? Well in searching Scripture, I found four points that motivates positively:
1. It encourages me to forgive others. God will have His vengeance. Therefore I am free to place judgment on others and forgive them.
2. It urges me to seek righteous living. In the end, all believer's acts and deeds will be shown.
3. It motivates me to be a witness and evangelize. The bible tells us that there will be an end! If we have the love of Christ in us, then we should let this thought encourage us to get as many people in the Kingdom as possible.
4. It gives me hope! The Final Judgment gives me hope to press forward. Someday Jesus will return and give us glorification. We will be fully what we were created to be!


Friday, October 06, 2006

God in Chicago

The weekend of September 23rd, my wife, Melissa and I went to Chicago. During our exploration of this great city, we decided to walk the "magnificent Mile". We took in all the shops, restaurants, and emergency vehicle's sirens. As we walk street to street and passed by thousands of anxious shoppers, something caught our attention. We noticed an old gothic church that was nestled amongst the buildings. It was somewhat off the beaten path but close enough to the hustle and bustle that "passerbys" could have stepped in to view inside.

As Melissa and I were walking by, I saw the doors open and thought we should take a look inside this historical piece of history.We anxiously walked up the steps to see the old architecture of this church. It was beautiful! Everywhere you looked was woodcarved designs and statues of the Faithful in scripture like Moses, Abraham, and Jesus. The ceiling was about 30 Ft high and all hardwood with artistic designs everywhere. I stared down the aisle and viewed the front of the church. It also was covered in hardwood and artistic carvings along with statues made of stone. But what towered over everything was the gigantic pipe organ displayed in all its grandeur. I had thoughts of the sky breaking open and angels coming out of the heavens as this instrument played.In observing this wonderful church, it was if this is where God stays. Is this where he eats and sleeps?

I could not help but think about the temple that Solomon built for God. In this temple, God did actually dwell. It was this temple that was the most elaborate and beautiful. It probably would have made this church look like a warehouse in the dumps of a big city. But in Chicago, this church was a prized part of the city. I wondered if many people came by to see the inside. Did observers seek solitude there? Did they even notice it was there? Did they really think God was in there?

In contemplation, I looked out onto the crowd of "passerbys" from the front steps, and was reminded that God is out amongst the people. God is in us if we are His children. Jesus was the deciding factor for God being among us and with us. His name is Emanuel! God with us! Paul talks about this in Acts 17:24 and 25, "The God who mad the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples build by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else". God now lives in his people! If you are a Christ-follower, God lives in you!

Moreover, God wants to do his work in and through you!So what's my advice? If you are willing to take it - LET GOD WORK IN AND THROUGH YOU! Be a bondservant for Christ as Paul speaks of in Philippians. Let the world see that God is not in great and beautiful buildings but is in great and beautiful people.