fear or faith

Friday, October 06, 2006

God in Chicago

The weekend of September 23rd, my wife, Melissa and I went to Chicago. During our exploration of this great city, we decided to walk the "magnificent Mile". We took in all the shops, restaurants, and emergency vehicle's sirens. As we walk street to street and passed by thousands of anxious shoppers, something caught our attention. We noticed an old gothic church that was nestled amongst the buildings. It was somewhat off the beaten path but close enough to the hustle and bustle that "passerbys" could have stepped in to view inside.

As Melissa and I were walking by, I saw the doors open and thought we should take a look inside this historical piece of history.We anxiously walked up the steps to see the old architecture of this church. It was beautiful! Everywhere you looked was woodcarved designs and statues of the Faithful in scripture like Moses, Abraham, and Jesus. The ceiling was about 30 Ft high and all hardwood with artistic designs everywhere. I stared down the aisle and viewed the front of the church. It also was covered in hardwood and artistic carvings along with statues made of stone. But what towered over everything was the gigantic pipe organ displayed in all its grandeur. I had thoughts of the sky breaking open and angels coming out of the heavens as this instrument played.In observing this wonderful church, it was if this is where God stays. Is this where he eats and sleeps?

I could not help but think about the temple that Solomon built for God. In this temple, God did actually dwell. It was this temple that was the most elaborate and beautiful. It probably would have made this church look like a warehouse in the dumps of a big city. But in Chicago, this church was a prized part of the city. I wondered if many people came by to see the inside. Did observers seek solitude there? Did they even notice it was there? Did they really think God was in there?

In contemplation, I looked out onto the crowd of "passerbys" from the front steps, and was reminded that God is out amongst the people. God is in us if we are His children. Jesus was the deciding factor for God being among us and with us. His name is Emanuel! God with us! Paul talks about this in Acts 17:24 and 25, "The God who mad the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples build by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else". God now lives in his people! If you are a Christ-follower, God lives in you!

Moreover, God wants to do his work in and through you!So what's my advice? If you are willing to take it - LET GOD WORK IN AND THROUGH YOU! Be a bondservant for Christ as Paul speaks of in Philippians. Let the world see that God is not in great and beautiful buildings but is in great and beautiful people.


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