fear or faith

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Loving the Saint Louis snow!

Yea Yea you probably are sick of it because you have been around snow most of your natural born life. But for an import like myself, snow is great. A little known fact about me is I never saw snow (except in pictures) until I was 19 yrs old when I moved to Tennessee. So, as you can imagine I very much enjoy seeing the white flakes fall from the sky. Since we have moved to Saint Louis, it has snowed twice.

The first time it snowed, my family and I bought sleds and slid down a huge hill around our house. I even got up on a snowboard! Yea! You college bums bring it on! Brandon Gum this means you too! After the snow play we settled in the house to enjoy some good ol’chile.

I heard about the MBU students who sledded down the hill on the school’s old “pee” mattresses. It sounded like lots of fun. I wish I could have been there. (John Barnes – are you Ok?) Anyways, it sounds like snow days around here are fun. It is only January, so Mr. Winter bring it on!


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