fear or faith

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Loving the Saint Louis snow!

Yea Yea you probably are sick of it because you have been around snow most of your natural born life. But for an import like myself, snow is great. A little known fact about me is I never saw snow (except in pictures) until I was 19 yrs old when I moved to Tennessee. So, as you can imagine I very much enjoy seeing the white flakes fall from the sky. Since we have moved to Saint Louis, it has snowed twice.

The first time it snowed, my family and I bought sleds and slid down a huge hill around our house. I even got up on a snowboard! Yea! You college bums bring it on! Brandon Gum this means you too! After the snow play we settled in the house to enjoy some good ol’chile.

I heard about the MBU students who sledded down the hill on the school’s old “pee” mattresses. It sounded like lots of fun. I wish I could have been there. (John Barnes – are you Ok?) Anyways, it sounds like snow days around here are fun. It is only January, so Mr. Winter bring it on!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Don’t be merely passionate!!!

On the first of the year, I and 30 other crazy folks attended the Passion 07 conference in Atlanta, GA. If you do not know what Passion is then here is the link: www.268generation.com. Take a peek. Basically, this is a movement of thousands of college students across the US and the globe coming together to go and tell the gospel of Jesus Christ. And when I say global I mean there were 25,000 collegians in Atlanta representing every state and many different countries. I met and personally talked to students from England, Romania, and France. I was great to see thousands stand together for one cause – The Name and Fame of Jesus Christ!

Seeing that many collegians standing for the most important thing in life – Jesus, broke my heart. There are so many that believe this generation is a waste. They say this generation has had everything given to them. How in the world could they ever give anything back? They say you all are disrespectful and uncaring. Well, I say they are wrong!! I see a generation that has to be passionate about something. I see people that want real relationships. I see this as a gynormous recipe to bring revival to this land and the world. I see students that are capable of having much passion and great relational skills. This generation has the courage to go to the uttermost parts of the earth. I think you all are incredible!

This most profound statement that I heard at this conference is when John Piper said, “The opposite of pride is not humility.’ ‘Because when one thinks he/she is humble, then they are prideful about it.’ ‘The opposite of pride is self forgetfulness”. And “self-forgetfulness” is accomplished only by getting with the Creator of the universe each day and realizing that when you gave your life to Christ, you said, “Not my life but yours Lord”. We are merely servants for Christ. Paul says it best in Philippians 1:1 when he calls himself a bond-servant for Christ.

Another aspect I got from this conference is being passionate about something will get you nowhere. Many people are passionate. But if passion has an aim, then it is worth something! Passion with an aim can create change! Passion mixed with devotion to Christ can change the world! That’s why I think this generation is important. This generation has passion. You all are passionate people. Now follow after Christ with all of your heart soul and mind! Let’s go together for Christ!